Sunday, November 22, 2015

Underneath the colors

I've seen Cobb and Ruth 
roaming below
Shoeless Joe 

Goslin, Cochrane
and Schoolboy Rowe
Dizzy and Medwick
and Murderers Row

I've seen Gehrig and Greenberg
the Bomber, the Bull
The Kid and Jackie Robinson
and a house that was full

Jimmy Brown 
and Bobby Layne 
Old Lem Barney 
and Night Train Lane

Yogi and Mickey
Gator and Cash
Don Wert's single
Kaline's mad dash

Lolich and Denny
Ozzie and Jake 
Old Frank Feneck
at the All-Star break

Seen Marvin
Sing the anthem
Feliciano in blue

It changed the game
and America, too

Saw Horton nail Brock
Dock Ellis in shock

Saw Chuck Hughes fall
Where Butkus stood tall

Saw The Bird in his roost
Saw Gibby and Goose

Sparky and Rozey
Trammell and Lou
Mandela and Rosa
Little Stevie, too

Then Fick hit the roof
and the lights went out
And the ballpark crumbled
and the weeds did sprout

I watched as the diamond
Grew riven with trash
The basepaths and outfield
Scattered with ash

But the weeds were cut
and the field restored
And the heavens opened
and the rains, they poured

Navin Field
Our bond is true
Through the years
No matter the hue

I was lean 
I was green
I grew rusty and blue

Like Harvey Kuenn
and Rod Carew

I am tall
I am frail

I am old
and I am grey

I am the flagpole
And I am all that remains